The gospel is for everyone.

God created us in love, for love. We were made to love Him, one another, and the world He placed under our care. These key relationships have been destroyed by sin, and God’s good world has been turned upside down. That is why God Himself entered our world—not to condemn it but to save it. God’s rescue operation revolved around one person—Jesus, the Son of God and son of Mary—who came to heal the sin-sick and save the lost. He alone has the power to heal our broken hearts and broken world. Not only is he able to do this—He wants to do this. This is good news, and it is good news for everyone!

College years are "crisis years."

If you are a college student, you are no longer under your parents’ supervision and guidance. Perhaps for the first time in your life you are making important decisions on your own as young adults: “What do I really believe? What is really true? How am I going to live my life?” Many of the decisions you make in college will shape you your whole life. Thus, your college years are “crisis years”—crisis meaning a turning point for better or for worse, “a crucial period in which a decisive turn one way or another is unavoidable.” How will you answer these important questions? Which direction will you turn?

You are the future.

Today's college students are tomorrow’s moms, dads, doctors, lawyers, artists, engineers, teachers, politicians, etc. RUF works with and alongside the University of Vermont to make sure its students are best equipped for their unique callings.